Jon's Homeschool ResourcesClear ThinkingClarity and accuracy in thinking and writing will not "just happen". They require a lot of practice - and some knowledge of a few fundamentals.Here are some net.documents that may help with the fundamentals.
Here is an interesting essay by C. B. Willis on Learning How to Learn. Remember, these days "job security" is just another quaint anachronism: You have to stay flexible if you don't want to be out of work at 45. (Specific skills are less important than skill acquisition skills.)
The alt.atheism FAQ file
Constructing a Logical Argument
is a rather good introduction to formal logic.
Logical Fallacies
short list of logical fallacies
- ironically enough, off of AOL - is a good introduction to logical fallacies.
The longer list of logical fallacies (which is actually just a link into the alt.atheism FAQ file) takes a more encyclopedic approach.