Jon's Homeschool ResourcesClassified Ad RatesFor now, I will only offer classifed ads on the regional pages listed on my support groups & homeschooling law page. You can run an ad for a period of a month (30 days), a quarter (91 days), or a year (365 days); ads for Tier 1 states (Texas, California, North Carolina, Florida, and Ohio) cost more than ads for other regions.
Each ad has a short title - no more than twenty characters - and up to twenty five words. Text and title can contain HTML links; text can include bold or italic markup. For the benefit of those who live near regional boundaries, I offer a discount for ads that run on more than one page at a time: Each additional page is half price. By default, ads run in reverse chronological order. (That is, newest first.) You can also pay extra to have your ads run higher on the page. What you pay is entirely up to you: Whatever you think it's worth not to get buried. Ads are sorted by the premium divided by the number of days, and then in reverse chronological order. If you run an ad on more than one page, the premium will be divided evenly among all 'impressions'. The form on the next page lets you send me an ad and computes the cost; I will not run the ad until I receive a check. Note: This is a reader-centered site, and I do not want the ads to be overwhelming, obtrusive, or offensive: I reserve the rights to both refuse an ad, or limit the number of pages an ad may run on.
Why Tiers
Some pages
get many more visitors than others - someone who advertises
on the Texas page will get twice as many eyeballs as someone who advertises on the
California page. In turn, they will get twice as many eyeballs as
someone who advertises on the Canada page, and so on. To be fair
to advertisers in small states, I need to charge less for a small state ad than
for a big state ad; to keep things simple, I don't want more than two tiers.
So, Tier 1 is the five states that generate the most hits -
Texas, California, North Carolina, Florida, and Ohio -
and Tier 2 is everything else.