Jon's Homeschool ResourcesUtah
Over the years, many people have contributed to these listings.
The seeds of the collection came from
Ruthann Biel,
Growing Without Schooling,
Home Education Press.
An inclusive support group which offers support and information
to all home educators, regardless of religion or learning and teaching
styles. Operates on a volunteer basis.
"Support, education and fellowship for Christian families who
have made the decision to educate their children at home."
"inclusive of everyone"
"This list is open to all homeschoolers in Utah, regardless of race, religion,
homeschool styles, etc etc etc. It's a great place for info on field trips,
events and activities, support groups, dealing with school districts, and
general homeschool questions and discussions. Because of the diverse
membership of the list, religion and politics are off-limits on the list."