Jon's Homeschool ResourcesTalk - Web boards
Message boards (and chat) for "unapologetically Christian" homeschoolers. CHFWeb is run by a Christian family; in addition to this homeschooling forum, they also have several other fora on Christian homemaking. Catholic web boards. Web boards for LDS homeschoolers.
"Support for unschooling, homeschooling, and self-directed learning." Home Educators of any religious or secular beliefs are welcome, with a focus on scholastic/academic discussions and support. Open to anyone interested in home schooling. Home School discussion board and forums.
Ann Zeise's idea of a message board is a bit wider than mine - she includes newsgroups &c - but she's quite good at keeping her pages up to date.
A short list
You can help
Surely there are other active homeschooling web boards? Perhaps even some more secular ones?
Send me links!