Jon's Homeschool ResourcesTalk - Chat channelsAd-supported, unmoderated, open to all. Never much use.Johanne Grizzle
Homeschooling mom hosts a homeschool chat every night (except for Thursdays
and Fridays) at 9 Eastern time, on ICQ
channel icq#8571844.
Parents' Room
Mondays at 9pm ET in the #parentsroom channel of irc.another.net port 6667
A Christian family business with a set of homeschooling pages.
A short list
Any others?
I'm sure there are other homeschool chat channels, but I
hate chat, and never pay much attention to things like mailing list
references to chat channels.
I'll be glad to expand this page if some of you readers would
send me mail about some
homeschool chat channels that you use.