SCHEA Homeschooling Handbook
- Introduction
- Home Schooling Statutes of South Carolina
- Dealing Effectively with the Local School District
- The South Carolina Association of Independent Home
Schools (59-65-45)
- The Third Supervisory Option (59-65-47)
- The Home School
- Miscellaneous Items
- Kindergarten
- First Grade Teaching Objectives
- Reading Together at Your Child�s Interest Level
- Teaching South Carolina History
- Sequencing of Mathematics Skills
- High School and After
- Materials and Resources
- Books, Newsletters & Magazines,
Instructional Resources
- Ideas for Choosing Curriculum
- The Home Educators Plan Book
- What is Your Philosophy of Education?
- Socialization and Support
- South Carolina Home Educators Association
- Local Support Groups Statewide
This handbook is designed to inform families about the legal requirements
for home schooling in South Carolina, as well as to provide a guide to the processes of complying with the
law, of selecting materials and of finding support. Permission is given to reproduce the contents for
informational purposes only. The charge for distribution must not exceed that for the actual printing and
preparation of the materials. It may not be sold to raise funds for local groups or individuals.
Disclaimer: There is no claim that the information in this handbook will satisfy the
personal needs of all home schoolers. It is merely a guide designed to provide uniform answers to many
of the basic questions asked by beginning or prospective home educators. Information is updated
regularly but recent changes, pending legislation and/or new publications may be lacking.
Contributing Editors:
| Angie Allsbrook, Marla Boole, Candi Brittain, Karen Martin, Vicki Merritt, Cindy
Shields, and Jewel Smith.
| Publishing Editor:
| Vicki Merritt
| Web Conversion:
| Jon Shemitz
Section 59-65-40 of the 1976 Code is amended to read:
- Parents or guardians may teach their children at home if the instruction is approved by the
district board of trustees of the district in which the children reside. A district board of trustees shall
approve home schooling programs which meets the following standards:
- the parent:
- holds at least a high school diploma or the equivalent general education development (GED)
and beginning in the 1989-90 school year, attains a passing score on the basic skills
examination developed pursuant to Section 59-26-20 (b) (1) after the State Department of Education has
validated the test for use with home schooling parents: or
- has earned a baccalaureate degree;
- the instructional day is at least four and one-half hours, excluding lunch and recesses and the
instructional year is at least one hundred eighty days;
- the curriculum includes, but is not limited to, the basic instructional areas of reading, writing,
mathematics, science, and social studies and in grades seven through twelve, composition and
- as evidence that the student is receiving regular instruction, the parent shall present a system for
maintaining and maintain the following records for inspection upon reasonable notice by a representative
of the school district.
- a plan book, diary, or other written record indicating subjects taught and activities in which the
student and parent engage;
- a portfolio of samples of the student's academic work; and
- a record of evaluations of the student's academic progress. A semiannual progress report
including attendance records and individualized assessments of the student's academic progress in each of
the basic instructional areas specified item (3) most be submitted to the school district.
- students must have access to library facilities;
- students must participate in the
annual statewide testing program and the
Basic Skills Assessment Program approved by the State Board of Education for their appropriate grade
level. The tests must be administered by a certified school district employee either with public school
students or by special arrangement at the student's place of instruction, at the parent's option. The parent
is responsible for paying the test administrator if the test is administered at the student's home; and
- parent must agree in writing to hold the district, the district board of trustees and the district's
employees harmless for any educational deficiencies of the student sustained as a result of home
At any time the school district determines that the parent is not maintaining the home school
program in keeping with the standards specified in this section, the district board of trustees shall notify
the parent to correct the deficiencies within thirty days. If the deficiencies are not corrected within thirty
days, the district board of trustees may determine that the parents are out of compliance.
- The district board of trustees shall provide for an application process which elicits the information
necessary for processing the home schooling request, including a description of the program, the texts and
materials to be used, the methods of program evaluation, and the place of instruction. Parents
must be notified in advance of the date, place, and time of the meeting at which the application is
considered by the board and parents may be heard at the meeting.
- Within the first fifteen instructional days of the public school year, students participating in home
instruction and eligible for enrollment in the first grade of the public schools must be tested to determine
their readiness for first grade using the readiness instrument approved by the State Board of Education for
public school students. If a student is determined to be not ready or is determined to lack the necessary
emotional maturity, the parent must be advised by appropriate school district personnel whether a
kindergarten or a first grade curriculum should be sued for the child. Nothing in this section may be
interpreted to conflict with a parent's right to exempt his child from kindergarten as provided in Section
- Should a student in a home schooling program score below the test requirements of the promotion
standard prescribed for the public school students by the Board of Education for one year, the district
board of trustees shall decide whether or not the student shall receive appropriate instructional
placement in the public school, special services as a handicapped student, or home schooling with an
instructional support system at parental expense. The right of a parent to enroll his child in a private or
parochial school as provided in Section 59-65-10(A) is unaffected by this provision.
- if a parent is denied permission to begin or continue home schooling by a district board of
trustees, the decision of the district board of trustees may be appealed, within ten days, to the State Board
of Education. Any appeal from the decision of the State Board of Education must be taken, within thirty
days, to the family court.
Alternative home schooling requirements
"Section 59-65-45. In lieu of the requirements of section 59-65-40, parents or
guardians may teach their children at home if the instruction is conducted under the auspices of the South
Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools. Bona fide membership and continuing compliance
with the academic standards of the South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools exempts the
home school from the further requirements of section 59-65-40.
The State Department of Education shall conduct annually a review of the association standards to
insure that requirements of the association, at a minimum, include:
- a parent must hold at least a high school diploma or the equivalent general educational development
(GED) certificate;
- the instructional year is at least one hundred eighty days; and
- the curriculum includes, but is not limited to, the basic instructional areas of reading, writing,
mathematics, science, and social studies and in grades seven through twelve, composition and
By January thirtieth of each year, the South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools shall
report the number and grade level of children home schooled through the association to the children�s
respective school districts."
"Section 59-65-47. In lieu of the requirements of Section 59-65-40 or
Section 59-65-45, parents or guardians may teach their children at home if the instruction is conducted under the
auspices of an association for homeschools which has no fewer than fifty members and meets the
requirements of this section. Bona fide membership and continuing compliance with the academic
standards of the associations exempts the home school from the further requirements of Section 59-65-40
or Section 59-65-45.
The State Department of Education shall conduct annually a review of the association standards to
insure that requirements of the association at a minimum include:
- a parent must hold at least a high school diploma or the equivalent general educational
development (GED) certificate;
- the instructional year is at least one hundred eighty days; and
- the curriculum includes, but is not limited to, the basic instructional areas of reading, writing,
mathematics, science, and social studies and in grades seven through twelve, composition and
- educational records shall be maintained by the parent-teacher and include:
- a plan book, diary, or other written record indicating subjects taught and activities in which the
student and parent-teacher engage;
- a portfolio of samples of the student's academic work;
- a semiannual progress report including attendance records and individualized documentation of
the student's academic progress in each of the basic instructional areas specified in item (c) above.
By January thirtieth of each year, all associations shall report the number and grade level of children
home schooled through the association to the children�s respective school districts."
Dealing Effectively with the Local School District
(Section 59-65-40)
- Families have ten days after the opening of school or establishing
residency to arrange for the supervision of their home schooling by the district, SCAIHS or another
qualified association. Failure to do so could result in truancy charges.
- Your best information resource is experienced home schoolers in your district, who can
advise you on the attitude to expect and the approach to take. Each school district operates autonomously
and thus local procedures and policies can vary. Familiarize yourself with the text of Section 59-65-40
of the 1976 Code and compare it to the requirements the district outlines for your home school.
- Deal directly with your school district office, not the individual school (except for the
signing of a kindergarten waiver). In many districts, the supervision of home education is handled by the
Assistant Superintendent for Instruction. If that encounter is less than satisfactory, make an appointment
with the Superintendent. If your issues are still unresolved, contact the chairman of the School Board and
ask to be put on the agenda for the next meeting. The approval of your home schooling program rests
with the district board of trustees. [Note: they MUST approved all programs that meet the seven basic
- Read the application for home instruction carefully. (a) Eliminate conditions of
responsibility that express compliance with "the terms and conditions set forth in this application" and/or
"district policies and regulations regarding home instruction" in addition to meeting the requirements of
state law. (b) Refuse to "understand that there is no guarantee that subjects taught at home will be eligible
for high school credit if my child subsequently enrolls in a public high school." If the school district is
supervising your program and has never notified you of any deficiencies, they should not withhold high
school credit if your child re-enrolls in a public program. (c) Don't itemizing your instruction in terms of
minutes per day/week . "Time on Task" is a throwback to the Defined Minimum Program on
which the 4 � class time requirement of the law was based. Public schools no longer lock into this system.
Let your plan book show you engaged in as many meaningful learning activities as a child might be
expected to cover in a full classroom day. (c) If course outline is requested, a copy of the table of contents
and/or curriculum's scope and sequence should be adequate. You do not have to provide a year's worth of
daily lesson plans.
- In-home visits are never required. In February, 1989, the State Attorney General issued
the opinion that "no blanket requirement can be imposed for on-site visits to a home prior to approval of a
home instruction program or subsequently. Such visits could be made prior to approval only in the parent
or guardian agrees to such visits as an alternative to presenting additional information as to the place of
- Get correct testing information. Pending legislative decisions may affect at what grade
levels testing is done, which testing instruments are used, and who administers the testing. The
Coordinator of Educational Assessment in your local district is the one who is definitively familiar with
the STATE testing requirements, which are the only ones home schoolers must fulfill. The amount of
time spent in advanced preparation will depend somewhat on the age and experience of your child.
On Target for Tests and Better Test Scores are popular consumable workbook series
that introduces basic test formats, including directions, answer space layouts, samples and practice items.
Students learn strategies such as time management, use of key words and elimination of incorrect answer
possibilities, which can help build confidence and lower test anxiety.
- Ask about additional services available. Some districts loan textbooks (usable for
teaching or simply reference purposes) and allow use of the public school library. Currently, each district
receives state funds for "supervising, overseeing or reviewing the student's program of home instruction."
Documentation of the number of students (no names given) approved for home education from the 1st
through 125th days of the school year is submitted annually to secure about $400 in funding per child.
- If you would like to know what the public school expects in the grade you are teaching,
ask for curriculum outline for the subject area/grade. Some districts are more willing than others to
supply information.
- The State Department of Education has no authority over the home schooling programs
and the State Board of Education only has authority in the event of an appeal of a program that has been
turned down or discontinued by the district. The Department's general stance is that districts cannot
require more that what is specifically enumerated in the home schooling statute (59-65-40), as indicated
by the Attorney General's opinion mentioned above.
South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools
(Section 59-65-45)
The South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools (SCAIHS)
is a non-profit, voluntary association of independent home schools. On July 25, 1990, the State of South
Carolina incorporated
SCAIHS as an organization to coordinate and establish academic standards and to provide support
for independent home schools. On April 8, 1992, the South Carolina General Assembly enacted
(59-65-45) naming the South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools as a legal, alternate
source of approval for home schooling parents.
The goal of SCAIHS is to serve the home schooling community, helping to make home schooling
both positive and rewarding for parent and child. To this end, SCAIHS has assembled a board and staff to
promote and enhance the home schooling experience.
Advantages of Joining SCAIHS:
- When you are granted membership in SCAIHS, your home school becomes a legal, independent
home school. SCAIHS members, therefore, are not under the jurisdiction of the local public school district
and do not apply for district approval.
- The SCAIHS staff and board are committed to helping families experience success in
home schooling. Support services for families with students from kindergarten through high school range
from aiding new home schoolers to providing curriculum counseling to offering encouragement.
- SCAIHS provides a means of accountability. Succinct quarterly progress reports are
designed to help keep parents "on track."
- SCAIHS keeps permanent records for each student. Should a SCAIHS student transfer to
a public or private school from the home school, SCAIHS will issue a transcript to that school upon the
parent�s request.
- SCAIHS has instituted the High School Program to provide credible documentation for
completed course work. SCAIHS also issue diplomas to seniors who have fulfilled graduation
requirements and provides a graduation ceremony.
- State law requires that SCAIHS members provide 180 days of instruction for each home
school student, but there is no daily hourly requirement.
- SCAIHS allows for creativity and flexibility in curriculum choices. Creative approaches
to education such as the use of field trips, travel experiences, educational television & videos, and
unit studies are endorsed.
- SCAIHS provides parents with flexibility in determining their school calendars,
including year-round schooling, and schooling in blocks. The only requirement is that there be 180 days
of documented instruction and a school year that ends by May 31.
- SCAIHS members are free to choose their own (approved) test administrator and test site
for the annual achievement testing program (grades 3-12).
- SCAIHS does not use achievement test results to determine the eligibility of a parent to
home school a child in subsequent years. The tests are as a diagnostic tool.
- SCAIHS members receive membership cards which enable them to qualify for some
discounts available to other schools. It also entitles them to free or reduced admission to special activities
planned throughout the year, such as the annual curriculum fair.
- SCAIHS members have free access to the SCAIHS Resource Room.
For more information on SCAIHS and the costs associated with membership, write to P.O. Box 2104,
Irmo, SC 29063-7104, or phone (803) 551-1003; fax (803) 551-5746; e-mail SCAIHS@aol.com. The
SCAIHS office and resource room is located at 3604 Fernandina Rd. in Columbia.
The Third Supervisory Option (Section 59-65-47)
A bona fide association must have at least fifty (50) members and is
subject to annual review by the State Department of Education to insure that as a minimum the
membership standards include:
- a high school diploma or GED certificate for the parent-teacher;
- a 180 day instructional year;
- a curriculum including reading, writing, math, science and social studies (in grades 7-12,
composition and literature as well); and
- the parent-teacher maintaining
- a written record of subjects taught and activities in which the student and parent-teacher engage,
- a portfolio of samples of the student�s academic work, and
- a semiannual progress and attendance report, which includes individualized documentation of the
student�s academic progress in each of the basic instructional areas.
The association must record the local school district in which each member resides to fulfill the
requirement of reporting to that district the number and grade level of each supervised student by January
30 each year. Each association sets its own services and rates. It is the responsibility of the
parent-educator to determine if a group will meet his/her needs educationally and/or statutorily.
Catholic Home Educators of SC (CHESC), Mary Ellen Jackson, 1570 Huntsman Dr., Aiken,
29803; (803) 649-6367; fax: (803) 642-9339. This is the statewide support group for Catholic
Christian Homeschoolers Association of South Eastern SC (CHASE SC), PO Box 366,
Ladson, 29456; voice & fax, (803) 873-5942. Discount for members of CHOOSE SC support group.
Send self-addressed #10 envelope with 55 cents postage for information.
HERALD 5 PLUS, Jamie Morris, 6009 Hwy. 395, Newberry, 29108; (803) 276-5127. Must
be an active member of the Home Educators of Richland and Lexington District 5 [northwestern
metropolitan Columbia area] support group.
Homeward Education Association, 4940 Dubose Siding Rd., Sumter, SC 29153;
(803) 469-4511.
Grace School Association, PO Box 56, Marion, 29571; (803) 423-4229.
Greenwood Christian School Home Base Association, Bob Wood, Greenwood Christian
School, 2024 Woodlawn Rd., Greenwood, 29649; (864) 229-2427 or Jill Leinbach, 252 Grace St.,
Greenwood, 29646; (864) 229-6572; e-mail JLeinbach@hspower.com
Palmetto Independent Educators (PIE), 262 Eastgate Dr., #101, Aiken, 29803;
(803) 502-1163.
Palmetto Homeschool Association. (PHA), PO Box 486, Lancaster, 29721;
(803) 285-3916.
Piedmont Home Educators Association (PHEA)
Rate is lower for members of the PHEA support group.
Teachers, Inc. PO Box 13386, Charleston, 29422; (803) 795-9982; fax: (803) 795-2683;
e-mail PFMSuper@worldnet.att.net
The Upstate Association of Homeschools, PO Box 15262, Spartanburg, 29302;
(864) 598-9996; e-mail UAH@aol.com. Serves the 864 telephone area code only.
Information prepared in January, 1997.
The Home School
Miscellaneous Items
Getting Started:
- Give your home school a name. Brainstorm with your children to
choose a name that will give their school an identity. You can name it after your street, neighborhood or
community, after some geographic feature, for some spiritual or biblical concept, for the activities that go
on at your school, or after a person you admire. The possibilities are endless, so be creative. A school
name might also enable you to benefit from discounts, free materials and other resources that are provided
to schools.
- Loosen up and de-intensify. The first year is usually an anxious time because you are
feeling your way along. Reading books designed to encourage home schooling and put the process in
perspective may help prevent a nervous collapse. Association with other home schoolers is also a
wellspring of encouragement. Even the most experienced have those days that they question why they
chose to education their own children at home.
- Check the library first. Before you buy anything, or if you need supplementary materials
for a particular subject area, check to see if the library has it. Don�t spend money unnecessarily.
- Keep a list of the library books that your child reads individually and a list of those you
have read together. You may want to include your lists in your portfolio.
- The State Textbook Depository is located at the R.L. Bryan Company, 301 Greystone
Blvd. in Columbia (in the opposite direction of the same exit of I-126 as the Riverbanks Zoo). One copy
of every book approved for use in the S.C. public schools is available for inspection. All texts, workbooks
and related software are available for purchase by home schooling parents. You may find it interesting to
see what the public schools are using and compare your materials.
Grading System
(as defined by the S.C. Department of Education)
95-100 |
A |
Definitely superior achievement |
90-94 |
B+ |
Very High |
85-89 |
B |
High |
80-84 |
C+ |
Slightly above average |
75-79 |
C |
Average (equal to 50 percentile midpoint) |
73-74 |
D+ |
Slightly below average |
70-72 |
D |
Definitely below average |
0-69 |
F |
Very poor-failing |
| Diploma Requirements
Basic |
Credits |
College Preparatory |
Language Arts |
4 |
College Prep. English I, II, III, IV |
Mathematics |
3 |
Algebra I and II, and Geometry |
Natural Science |
2 |
Biology and Physical Science |
U.S. History |
1 |
Economics |
� |
Government |
� |
Other Social Studies |
1 |
Chosen from World History, World Geography or Western
Civilization |
PE (or ROTC) |
1 |
Electives |
7 |
2 units of foreign language |
20 |
A high school student must be enrolled for a minimum of five courses. He/she must have five good
credits, including one English and one math to be a sophomore; ten for junior and fourteen for senior
(plus taking enough courses to graduate).
The South Carolina Education Improvement Act of 1984 amended the
section of the law on compulsory attendance (59-65-10a) to read:
"All parents or guardians shall cause their children or wards who are in the age group of five to
sixteen years, inclusive to regularly attend a public or private school or kindergarten of this State which
has been approved by the State Board of Education or a member school of the South Carolina Independent
Schools' Association or some similar organization or a parochial, denominational, or church-related
school, or other programs which have been approved by the State Board of Education.
"Provided, further, that any parent or guardian whose child or ward is not six years of age on or
before the first day of September of a particular school year may elect for their child or ward not to attend
kindergarten. For this purpose, the parent or guardian must sign a written document making such
election with the governing body of the school district wherein the parent or guardian resides. The form
of this written document shall be prescribed by regulation of the Department of Education. Upon such a
written election being executed that child or ward may not be required to attend kindergarten."
Please remember: The right to waiver kindergarten is a separate issue from home schooling.
You are NOT required to provide any formal schooling for kindergarten, and you do not
need to give any reason for waiving kindergarten. It is best not to mention home schooling
when you ask for the waiver form, as it might only cause confusion. You may obtain a waiver form at the
elementary school nearest you.
Member families of the South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools can file a K-5
waiver through SCAIHS at no charge. For others who prefer waiving through SCAIHS rather than the
local school district, there is a $25 application fee.
If you want to provide your child with a home kindergarten program, that is up to you. If you are
interested in providing some instruction for kindergarten, you may want to consider the kindergarten
objectives from the State Department of Education.
Kindergarten Objectives Adopted by the State Board of Education
- Can coordinate arms, legs, and eyes; for example: he/she can skip, run, gallop, march to music,
ride a tricycle, kick, throw, roll, bounce and catch a large ball, etc.].
- The student performs tasks involving fine motor skills [ie the child can hands, fingers,
and eyes; for example: he/she can lace shoes, button shirts, sweaters, and coats, work simple puzzles, cut
paper with small scissors, play with dough/clay, zip jacket, etc.].
- The student remembers visual stimuli [The student determines likenesses and differences
in visual stimuli [ie the child remembers what he sees, for example: he recognizes his own first name
when it is printed, remembers where things are kept around the house, knows the route to a familiar place
or recognizes landmarks along the way, etc.].
- The student determines likenesses and differences in visual stimuli [ie the child knows
when things look the same or different, for example: the child can match socks that look the same, the
child recognizes when two things may differ in size, etc.].
- The student remembers auditory stimuli [ie the child remembers what he hears, for
example: the child can remember his age and birthday, his/her address and telephone number, can sing a
short song, count from 1 to 5 or more, name the main parts of the body, etc.]
- The student determines likenesses and differences in auditory stimuli [ie the child
knows when sounds are the same or different - recognizes sounds outdoors such as the sound of a truck
verses a jet, recognizes indoor sounds such as water running, knock on the door, brushing of teeth,
- The student communicates with other by using expressive language [ie the child talks
about what he does, knows, and things, is able to tell you a simple story, tells about what he likes or
dislikes, tells about what he/she did today, etc.].
- The student is receptive to language in communicating with others [ie the child listens
to what others say - is able to answer questions about a story, follow directions, obey instructions,
understands and follows simple safety rules, etc.]
- The student expresses an interest in language [ie the child shows interest in words and
books - read to your child and answer any questions about words or letters that the child wants to know,
- The student classifies stimuli on the basis of one or more attribute(s) [ie the child is able
to group things - sees when various objects are the same color or shape, groups vegetables with vegetables
and fruits with fruits, etc.]
- The student compares stimuli on the basis of one or more attribute(s) [ie the child can
make comparisons such as hot-cold, up-down, fast-slow, fat-thin, big, bigger, biggest, etc.].
- The student sequences stimuli on the basis of one or more attribute(s) [ie the child is
able to put words or objects in order - understand which thing is first, second and third, can do things in
proper order, such as the steps in a simple recipe, talks in sentences and phrases, not just a few words,
- The student begins to understand the concept of conservation of number [ie the child
begins to understand what numbers mean - counts fingers and toes, counts pennies, counts how many
chairs will be needed for everyone to sit at the table for dinner, etc.].
- The student interprets and infers on the basis of oral or illustrative selections [ie the
child can answer questions about a story you have read, the child can act out a story, when shown a
picture of something, the child can explain what is happening in the picture, etc.].
- The student controls emotions and expresses them in a socially acceptable way [ie the
child has self-control - the child acts appropriately in various settings such as other people�s homes, the
store, bank, library, restaurants, etc.].
- The student displays a positive attitude toward self [ie the child learns to be neat and
clean, feel at ease with others, and feels good about doing something well].
- The student displays a positive attitude toward school [ie looks forward to going to
- The student interacts with others in a socially acceptable manner [ie the child can get
along well with other children and adults - practice manners and courtesy, help your child learn
consideration for others].
First Grade Teaching Objectives
Textbooks contain very little content for the early grades. The
information below will make it easier to confidently choose materials or make plan your studies. Subject
areas often overlap.
Math Skills
(middle achievement level)
- Identify number that is equivalent to, greater than, and lesser than 0-99.
- Count 0-99 by ones, twos, fives and tens (to 100).
- Identify word names zero-ten, ordinal numbers, first-fifth, place values (tens and ones), expanded
numbers (tens and ones).
- Add and subtract basic facts 1-10. Add and subtract two or three digit numbers, no regrouping. Add
numbers in columns: a) 3 one-digit numbers; b) 3-4 two or three digit numbers, no regrouping.
- Fill in missing addends (e.g., 4 + ___= 7).
- Identify equal parts; identify and write 1/2, 1/3, 1/4.
- Identify and draw a square, a rectangle, a triangle and a circle. Compare figures on the basis of
shapes and sizes. Identify geometric patterns.
- Identify hour and half-hour. Name the seven days of the week. Locate dates on the calendar.
- Identify and write the amount for penny, nickel, dime and quarter.
- Compare lengths (shortest-longest). Measure with a metric and standard ruler using centimeter and
inch (no conversion from metric to standard).
- Identify cups, pints, quarts and liters.
- Choose the operation of addition or subtraction to solve a word problem (no regrouping).
- Read and use information from picture and bar graphs and tables.
Reading Skills
- Name the location of a sound in a word. For example, if asked to
locate the short �o� sound in the word frog, the child locates the sound as the third letter from the
beginning of the word.
- give sequence of four or more events in a story, predict outcomes and identify the main idea of a
paragraph or a story.
- Identify rhyming sounds and words
- Blend letters into words starting with simple three-letter words and progressing to larger
- Identify several words that begin with the same letter or words that end with the same letter.
- Understand what vowels are and able to name which letters are vowels. Same for consonants.
- Match objects with appropriate written words. Match words with written definitions.
- Identify root words and suffixes. Identify contractions and what words they represent.
- Arrange words in alphabetical order to the first letter only.
- Find location and identify purpose of parts of a book: Title page, Table of Contents, the number of
chapters of a specific hook, and chapter titles.
- Read orally with expression (by the end of first grade).
- Introduce use of the dictionary.
Writing Skills
- Write upper and lower manuscript letters. Copy manuscript letters from
a model.
- Write legibly.
- Understand what a sentence is and use capital letter to begin a sentence. Use period to end sentence.
Identify a complete vs. an incomplete sentence.
Social Studies Skills
(generally introduced in first grade and expanded on in second
- Social Skills - school and class rules (basic consideration of others)
- Self-Concept - individual differences (address, phone number, parents� names, birthday), physical
differences (handicapped people, for example), feelings (positive/negative; control of; acceptance of self
and others)..
- Family Relationships - structures (single parent [death, divorce], foster parent, step-parent,
adoption/guardian); child�s relationship within the family (cooperation, responsibilities); basic needs of
the family.
- Community - community and school personnel, community government, industry.
- State-capital/governor, state symbols, state flag/pledge.
- Transportation/Communication-past and present modes.
- Map skills - recognize differences between map and globe; interpret map key and symbols; use relative
directions, read a map (locate state, Washington, D.C., neighboring states, oceans, islands), make a map
(classroom, home, town/main street).
- Charts, graphs and timelines - read a calendar; interpret a bar graph, make a graph, interpret a chart;
interpret a timeline(second grade skill).
- Historic events and people - Columbus Day, Election Day, Thanksgiving Day (Mayflower, Pilgrims,
Indians), Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Robert E. Lee�s Birthday, Lincoln�s and Washington�s Birthdays,
Independence Day.
- Other cultures - teacher�s choice.
Science Skills
- Identify and characterize animals according to physical appearance, diet, habitat and movement,
comparing parent and adult animals.
- Identify human body parts and relate body parts to the five senses. Compare people
according to physical characteristics and observe physical development from baby to adult.
- Identify foods and substances which help maintain a healthy body and those which are
harmful to the body.
- Identify and classify emotions and their causes.
- Described good safety habits (bicycles, strangers, automobiles, etc.).
- Identify characteristics of living and non-living things (food, water, air, growth).
- Identify and classify plants according to size, shape, color and texture. Observe the main
parts of a plant and discuss the needs of plants.
- Discuss the sun, air and water as sources of energy. Discuss the importance of conserving energy.
- Discuss ways of measuring heat. Discuss the sun as a source of light and the relationship
of the sun and shadows.
- Discuss push/pull and the relationship to work, the basic concept of gravity, motion as
the change in position of an object, and a machine as something that helps us do work.
- Identify different sounds and their sources and compare different sound and tell whether
they are alike or different.
- Discuss which objects are attracted by magnets and some uses of magnets.
- Classify objects according to their physical characteristics. Identify solids, liquids and
gases. Observe some simple changes of matter.
- Discuss electricity as a form of energy, the safe use of electricity and observe and discuss
static electricity.
- Describe air as being all around us, define wind as moving air, and demonstrate that air takes up
space, has weight and produces force.
- Discuss the ways we use air and the causes and affects of air pollution.
- Classify objects as to their ability to float, demonstrate that water can be changed from
solid to liquid to gas, describe where water can be found, discuss ways we use water and the pollution and
conservation of water.
- Discuss some plants and animals that live in salt water and beach erosion and ocean
- Identify up-down, far/near, short/long, straight/curved, high/low, front/back,
- Relate the apparent size of an object to distance.
- Discuss ways of measuring time (day/night; days of the week; months of the year;
seasons; clocks; yesterday; today; tomorrow).
- Discuss sun, moon, starts, and earth.
- Locate north, south, east and west on a map and on a globe.
- Observe and record different weather conditions and discuss temperature change in
relation to weather conditions. Relate climate to different regions.
- Observe different soil types, different rocks, and discuss land as composed of rock and
soil, earth as water and land. Discuss the different land forms (hills, mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers,
oceans, plains, deserts and forests), land and water pollution, and conservation of our natural
Reading Together at Your Child�s Interest Level
- Three-seven years (Rhythmic ages)
- Child�s Characteristics - understands things on in his own, limited experience
- Subjects of Interest - family activities, animals, babies and other children
- Styles of Writing - single character action, simple action and vocabulary, short sentences, repetition
and rhythmical in verse, successful ending.
- Types of Books - realistic, Bible stories dealing with children, repetitious stories (Goldilocks,
- Eight-eleven years (Imaginative ages)
- Child�s Characteristics - age range of the greatest interest, very curious, huge imagination, capable of
understanding things outside their experiences, love sound
- Styles of Writing - vivid characterization and dramatic action, realism tinged with fascination,
glamour and charm of fairy tales.
- Types of Books - folk & fairy tales, adventure, true to life happenings, biographical and historical
- Eleven-Fourteen years (Heroic ages)
- Child�s Characteristics - hero worship, strong love of adventure
- Styles of Writing - factual approach (placing events in historical settings), action and suspense (broad
sweeping action) heroic deeds, vivid description and characterizations
- Types of Books - hero stories (they need the right kind or they will create them), adventure tales,
pioneer tales, war stories, missionary stories, biographies of great men and women.
Teaching South Carolina History
South Carolina's geography and cultural history are taught as part of the
third grade social studies course. The outline on the following page summarizes third grade curriculum
directions. The public library and other local resources (e.g. the State Museum) are excellent tools in
preparing for your teaching of S.C. history.
Eighth graders study S.C. history as it relates to the history of the United States. Because of the
volume of material to be covered, some public school districts opt to cover U.S. and South Carolina
history up and including to the Civil War in seventh grade, and from the Civil War to the present in
eighth grade.
The current state textbooks are Horizons of South Carolina, by Paul Horne (©1991)
and At Home in South Carolina, by Sandra McDaniel (©1991) for third grade
and History of South Carolina in the Building of the Nation, by Archie Vernon Huff, Jr.
(©1991) for eighth grade. Textbooks are adopted for a period of up to six years. These books may
be available through local bookstores. The State Textbook Depository, located at the R.L. Bryan
Company, 301 Greystone Boulevard in Columbia is open to the public. All state adopted textbooks,
workbooks and software are available for purchase at the contract price. Bob Jones University Press
publishes State and Local Studies, a supplementary book to assist teachers in outlining a
state-history course, formulating objectives and finding source material for any grade level in all fifty
Additional Resources on South Carolina State History:
- The following books are published by Gallopade and are available from CAROLE MARSH BOOKS,
Main Street, Historic Bath, NC 27808: South Carolina Silly Trivia; South Carolina
'Jography'; A Fun Run Thru the Palmetto State; Let's Quilt South Carolina.
Also check your public library and/or local book store.
- Related Instructional TV programs:
For grade 3: | Sandlappers Too! (history),
Where are We? (geography).
| For grade 8: | The Palmetto Special (history),
S.C. Geography
The following South Carolina history skills are expected to be taught in third grade:
- Geography
- Identify, define and locate: Low Country, Up Country, Sand Hills;
River systems of S.C.
- Locate on a map: Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, Myrtle Beach,
Georgia, North Carolina, Santee-Cooper River System, the county in which
you live.
- History
- Indians
- S.C. was one of the original thirteen colonies
- History of the S.C. flag and describe its appearance
- Identify the three statehouses S. C. has had
- S.C.'s role in the Civil War; explain why the stars are on the Statehouse
- Identify S.C.'s nickname as the Palmetto State
- Identify the state symbols: state bird, state flower, state tree
- South Carolina crops of the past
- Famous people: Francis Marion, John C. Calhoun, Andrew Jackson, the current
The South Carolina Legislative Manual contains a section dealing with the state symbols and
emblems. You should be able to find a copy of the most recent legislative manual at your public library;.
Copies are available for purchase, or perhaps your local legislator will give you one. A small booklet with
just those topics is also available. We picked ours up on a Statehouse tour.
Look at the library for biographies of famous South Carolinians, which are written on a child's
reading level. Some we found and enjoyed are: Henry Woodward of Carolina, by William O.
Steele; Francis Marion, by Elizabeth and Carl Carmer; Andrew Jackson, by John
Parlin; Wade Hampton: Lord of the Congaree, by William Willimon; Turning the World
Upside Down (The Grimke Sisters), by William and Patricia Willimon; and Mary McLeod
Bethune, by Ruby L. Radford. Another "fun" book, dealing with the origin is some of the geographic
names in S.C. is The Name Game, by Claude and Irene Neuffer.
The Sequencing of Mathematics Skills
- Students should have memorized these by the following grade:
- Basic addition facts (2)
- Basic subtraction facts (2)
- Multiplication tables 0-5 (2)
- Multiplication tables 6-9 and 10-12 (3)
- Measurement
- Time
- days of week, months of year, four seasons, locating dates on
calendar (3)
- 1 minute=60 seconds; 1 hour=60 minutes, 1 day=24 hours,
1 week=7 days; 1 year=12 months; 1 year=365 days (4)
- 1 leap year=366 days (6)
- Temperature (Fahrenheit, Celsius) (3-4)
- Length
- meter (m) as basic metric unit (4)
- 1 foot=12 inches; 1 yard=36 inches/3 feet (4)
- 1 mile=5,280 ft./1,760 yd. (5)
- Weight
- gram (g) as basic metric unit (4)
- 1 pound=16 ounces; 1 ton=2,000 lbs. (4)
- Volume
- liter (l) as basic metric unit (4)
- 1 pint=2 cups;1 quart=2 pints; 1 gallon=4 quarts (4)
- 1 cup=8 ounces (5)
- Metric prefixes, milli-, centi-, deci-, kilo-, deka-, hecto- (6)
- The student should have a working knowledge of these skills by the following grade levels:
- Whole number
- Addition and Subtraction (4)
- Multiplication and Division(6)
- Decimals (any problem)- all skills (6)
- Fractions
- Addition, Multiplication and Division (6)
- Subtraction (7)
- Percent
- Changing percents to decimals (and reverse) (6)
- Changing percents to fractions (and reverse) (6)
- Finding a percent of a number (a % of b=___) (6)
- Ration and proportion (7)
- Geometry (8)
- Measurement
- Conversion (within each system) (7)
- Using measuring devices (7)
- Formulas
- Perimeters and circumferences
- square, rectangle, any polygon (6)
- circle (7)
- Area
- square, rectangle (6)
- triangle, circle, parallelogram, trapezoid (7)
- Volume-cube, rectangular prism(8)
- Math Vocabulary
Grade Four: |
acute angle, addend, addition, angle, area, associative property, average, bar graph,
capacity, circle, circle graph, common denominator, commutative property, cone, congruent, coordinate
graph, corner (vertex), cube, customary measure system (English), cylinder, decimal, degree (Celsius and
Fahrenheit), denominator, difference, digit, dividend, division, divisor, edge, equivalent fractions,
equation, estimate, even numbers, face, factor, fraction bar, graph, identity property, improper fraction,
intersecting lines, length, like fractions, line graph, line of symmetry, line segment, metric system, minus,
multiplication, numeral, numerator, odd number, parallel lines, parentheses, perimeter, period,
perpendicular lines, place value , plus, point, product, pyramid, quotient, rectangle, rectangular prism,
remainder, right angle, rounding, similar, solve, sphere, square, subtraction, trade (borrow, rename)
triangle, unlike fractions, volume, whole numbers, zero property. |
Grade Five: |
chord, common multiple, diagonal, diameter, distributive, endpoint, hexagon,
multiple, negative number, number line, number sequence, obtuse angle, octagon, outcome,
parallelogram, pentagon, percent, polygon, positive numbers, proper fraction , proportion, quadrilateral,
radius (radii) ration, ray, rhombus, scale, scale drawing, side, simplest form of fraction, square number,
square root, trapezoid, triangular prism, vertex (vertices). |
Grade Six: |
arc, bisect, circumference, common factor, composite number, data, decagon,
divisible, equal decimals, equally likely outcomes, equal ratios, equilateral triangle, equivalent, expanded
form, exponent, formula, greatest common factor (GCF), integer, isosceles triangle, least common
denominator (LCD), least common multiple (LCM), nonagon, pi, power of a number, protractor,
reciprocal, repeating decimals, right triangle, scalene triangle, scientific notation, surface
area. |
High School and After
Many families are choosing to continue teaching their teens at home, and
an increasing number are joining the ranks at this stage in their children's education. Because a
textbook-related methodology is generally associated with earning high school "credits," this period of education
raises many questions on how to accomplish it successfully. As with the younger grades, there is not one
"right" answer. The options are many, and your philosophy of education and long-range goals will
significantly shape your choices and techniques. It will take time to do the necessary digging and
researching to plot the course for your child/family during the high school years. Expect to see more class
doors open in private and possibly public schools for taking individual courses and/or participating in
varsity sports, fine arts, etc.
Resource Materials
Cathy Duffy's second volume of Christian Home Educator's
Curriculum Manual covers the junior and senior high years, and Mary Pride's Big Book of
Home Learning devotes its entire third volume to high school and after. From the
"unschooling" approach, David and Micki Colfax's Homeschooling for Excellence
describes rearing their sons on a remote California homestead and sending them to Harvard or Yale on
full scholarships.
Vol. 1 of Homeschooling the High Schooler, by Diana McAlister and Candice Oneschak
overviews the high school experience, the issues of credits, transcripts and diplomas, vocational concerns,
and suggests ways of developing innovative courses that integrate thinking skills and learning differences.
Vol. 2 outlines the minimum core subjects, non-core electives, college preparatory electives and
alternative resources. Vol. 3, High School Your Way, deals with record keeping.
College Admissions: A Guide for Homeschoolers by Judy Gelner contains information on
clearing the hurdles of tests, college admissions and finances. Cafi Cohen�s And What about
College? shows how homeschooling can and should be an asset to any student�s college application.
Getting a College Degree Fast by Dr. Joanne Aber show how to take advantage of available
accredited short cuts and testing programs toward a college degree. For those wanting to avoid exposing
children to the craziness of campus life, to reduce the cost of higher education and/or to get them through
college at a young age, College Degrees by Mail by John Bear is the ultimate handbook on
non-traditional education. A similar book is College Degrees You Can Earn from Home by Judith
Diploma Requirements
South Carolina's twenty units of Carnegie credit requirement for a
high school diploma represent the generally expected course of study. College-bound students should
include at least 3 units of science, 3-4 units of mathematics and a minimum of 2 years of the same foreign
The South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools offers both college preparatory
diploma and general diploma high school courses of study requiring 20 credit units and a Certificate of
Attendance (satisfies the compulsory attendance requirement for children under age 17).
Typical Course Of Study
- Language arts must incorporate higher level skills, including
critical analysis, verbally developing ideas and concepts, composition of persuasive, expository and
informative essays, short stories, etc. and, for the college bound, vocabulary and research skills. A rule of
thumb is that a student should be able to read and analyze the same number of books as his/her grade level
(ie 9th grade = nine books). A good high school anthology will include selections from modern and
classical literature, science fiction, short stories, poetry, essays, speeches, novel excerpts and modern and
classic plays. Generally the first two years are devoted to world literature with a concentration on
American literature in 11th grade and English literature in 12th grade. Mythology is also included.
- Two years of algebra and one of geometry, and all students should be familiar with the
real-life applications of math (banking, credit, budgeting, etc.) If the parent is not able to work along
side the student, a tutor (perhaps a more advanced student) and/or a study group is highly recommended.
Considerations in choosing good math resources include: Is it self-teaching or does it require the
instructor to have a strong math background? Are there visual or concrete ways of explaining the
concepts? Does it emphasize problem-solving and modeling to solve real world problems? Does it
integrate technology-the use of computers and calculators?
- Science at the secondary level is increasingly complex and critical thinking is essential to
learning science concepts. Students should take a minimum of one year each of general science and of life
science. General science includes topics such as the scientific method, cell theory, simple machines,
ecology, magnetism, properties of water and matter, etc. Biology is the universally offered secondary life
science course. Its fundamentals are necessary precursors for most other life sciences. Many secondary
programs require a separate one-semester study of health (human anatomy, development, sexuality,
nutrition and fitness, healthy lifestyle, substance abuse and possibly first aid/CPR) over and above the
science requirement.
- Students are expected to study a full year of U.S. History (generally in 11th grade), one
semester each of economics and government (generally in 12th grade), plus one additional year of world
history, world geography or Western civilization. Regular discussion of the significance of current issues
combined with the backdrop of history should be part of the student's education.
- Electives can be tailored to the interests of the student. These include fine arts, foreign
languages (required for college), physical education and occupational education.
- Your high school program can and should take advantage of outside resources. Tutoring,
mentoring and/or teaching exchange may be important to covering some subjects effectively. An adjunct
high school program (participation in selected courses) or community college classes may be an option.
Community service and practical experience allow the student to pursue personal interests and can go a
long way toward establishing a work/study history. Home schooling gives students a tremendous
advantage in the use of their time for outside involvement.
What About The Ged?
Standards and requirements are established not by the GED Testing
Service but by the individual states which participate in the GED Testing program. The credentials issued
on the basis of satisfactory scores are official documents and, like high school diplomas, are nearly always
accepted as valid credentials by employers and directors of training programs. Most colleges have
admissions processes that permit GED test score reports to be accepted in lieu of complete high school
transcripts. The GED Tests are available in large print, Braille and audio-cassette English formats, as
well as in Spanish and French.
In South Carolina a child must be a resident at least 17 years old to take the test to receive a High
School Equivalency Diploma. The cost is nominal, and the minimum tests scores must be 35 with an
average score of 45. To find out when and where testing is being given in your community, contact the
GED Testing Department of the State Department of Education, 212 Rutledge Building, 429 Senate
Street, Columbia 29201, phone (803) 734-8347.
Returning To The Classroom
Those expecting to home school for only a portion of high school
should attempt to coordinate their child's education with the system in which they will be completing their
training. Generally there is little difficulty enrolling the child in a private school if proper record keeping
and standardized testing has taken place.
Some public school district home instruction applications intimate that re-enrollment in their system
could be a problem by including the following statement under its conditions of responsibility: "I
understand that there is no guarantee that subjects taught at home will be eligible for high school credit if
my child subsequently enrolls in a public high school."
Parents should NOT sign such a statement. The district is provided with annual funding to
"supervise, oversee and review the student's program of home instruction." At any time the school district
determines that the parent is not maintaining the home school program in keeping with the standards
specified in the law, they are to notify the parent to correct the deficiencies within thirty days. If the
deficiencies are not corrected, they may withdraw approval.
If the school district has never notified you of deficiencies in your program, and your child has met
the standardized test requirements of the promotion standard, the district should not withhold high school
credits from your child should he reenter the public school. In essence, they, not you, are issuing the
child's high school credits by their oversight of your program. The suggestion of competency testing
should be opposed for the same reason.
Going To College
- The High School Diploma.
- A diploma is not a set requirement for college entrance. Some schools don't know how to handle a
student's application without one, but many look at objective factors such as standardized test scores
(SAT, ACT), portfolios of the student's work and community service, and letters of recommendation. The
student is expected to have studied a "core curriculum" of college-preparatory work in English, math,
history, foreign language and laboratory science. Home School Legal Defense Association has published
a list of colleges in nearly every state which have accepted homeschoolers.
- If receiving a diploma is significant to you, the sources are myriad. Any number of correspondence
and independent study programs offer them, either through a traditional method or the "unschool"
approach (like Clonlara's home-based program that has teens develop a portfolio and chart their progress).
Home School Legal Defense Association offers an attractively packaged (Christian) diploma that you can
award your student, or you can prepare and issue your own.
- The Transcript.
If your home schooling program is self-designed, you will want to record course work on a
standardized transcript (a concise record of courses taken and grades received) as part of your student
portfolio. Various home school supply catalogs (e.g. A Beka, Bob Jones University Press, Alpha Omega)
offer cumulative file folders at a minimal cost. However, shipping adds up, so unless you are ordering
other materials, picking up an individual copy of BJU's high school academic record form at a curriculum
fair or designing your own (if you're handy with a computer) would be cheaper. High school grades are
recorded by the semester with the credit given. A summary of standardized testing with the results is also
- Taking the Test.
- Many four-year colleges require the SAT or ACT for admission and some use test scores for
scholarship qualifications. Even community colleges may use the scores for placement in English and
math classes. Applications forms can be obtained from a local public or private high school, a junior or
community college, or you can write directly to the Scholastic Assessment Testing Program, P.O. Box
6200, Princeton, NJ 08541-6200 or to the American College Testing Program, P.O. Box 168, Iowa City,
IA 52243.
- Your student should first take the test during his/her junior year and may re-take it as many times
as desired (scores generally improve with experience). The tests are offered at a variety of high school
and adult education campuses, usually on Saturdays. Applications must be submitted well in advance.
Scores are automatically sent to the student's home and to up to four colleges of your choice; there is an
additional fee beyond four. Admission to the test requires a photo identification card. The S.C.
Department of Motor Vehicles can prepare a photo identification card if you do not have one from another
- The Scholastic Assessment (formerly, Aptitude) Tests are the most widely used and were updated
in 1994. Students may now use calculators on the math portion, which emphasizes the students' ability to
apply concepts and interpret data. Some questions will require students to supply their own answers. In
the verbal section more emphasis is put on critical reading skills. The antonyms and test for standard
English has been eliminated, and vocabulary is measured in context. The former achievement tests have
been redesigned and renamed SAT II. Students may choose from eighteen specific subjects including
foreign languages and history. Included are 20-minute writing sections and multiple-choice
- Double-Purpose Time.
- Advanced Placement materials are available in 29 courses in 16 fields (art, biology, chemistry,
computer science, economics, English, French, German, government and politics, history, Latin,
mathematics, music theory, physics, psychology, Spanish) for students who want to pursue college-bound
studies while still in high school. For each, a course description, set of free-response questions used in
recent years, teacher's guide, an entire Examination and Key, and additional materials specific to the
course of study are available. Students using the materials are not required to take the AP test, which is
administered in May. Students may receive course credit upon entering college.
- The College-Level Examination Program allows students to earn college credit what they already
know. There are five general and thirty specific subject exams available. There are no prerequisites (age
restriction, degree requirements) to take a CLEP exam, although you must meet specific requirements set
by a college to be awarded CLEP credit. Write CLEP, P.O. Box 6600, Princeton, NJ 08541-6600 or call
(609) 951-1026. The Official Handbook for the CLEP Examinations is available in many commercial and
college bookstores.
Materials and Resources
Books, Newsletters & Magazines, Instructional Resources
Why Home School
Better Late Than Early, by Dr. Raymond & Dorothy Moore
The Christian Home School, by Gregg Harris
Teach Your Own, by John Holt
Alternatives in Education, by Mark and Helen Hegener
How to Home School
Home Grown Kids, Home Style Teaching, Homespun Schools, by
Dr. Raymond & Dorothy Moore
Learning All the Time, by John Holt
The Three R's (booklets on reading/writing/arithmetic & 2-sided poster for grades
K-3), by Dr. Ruth Beechick
You CAN Teach Your Child Successfully (grades 4-8) by Dr. Ruth Beechick
How to Home School, A Practical Approach, by Gayle Graham
How to Tutor, by Samuel Blumenfeld
The Home School Manual, by Ted Wade
I Learn Better by Teaching Myself, by Agnes Leistico
Home School: Taking the First Step, by Borg Hendrickson
Learning At Home, by Ann Ward
Teaching Children, by Diane Lopez
How to Create Your Own Unit Study, by Valerie Bendt
Encouragement and Motivation for Home Schoolers
Home School Burnout, by Dr. Raymond Moore
For the Children's Sake, by Susan Schaeffer MacCauley
All the Way Home, Schoolproof, by Mary Pride
Home Schooling for Excellence, by Dave and Micki Colfax
Survivor's Guide to Home Schooling, by L. Shackleford and S. White
Newsletters and Magazines
- Many local support groups publish newsletters. Contact the group
for subscription information.
- SCHEA's Ideas is the bimonthly publication for members of South Carolina Home Educators
Association (SCHEA). It contains announcements of local and state activities (such as special speakers,
book fairs, the annual statewide convention), legal updates and topics of general interest to the state's
home schoolers.
- The Moore Report is a publication of the Moore Foundation, headed by Raymond and
Dorothy Moore and contains the latest home school research being conducted by the Moores and others.
The Moore Foundation, Box 1, Camus, WA 98607; (360) 835-2736.
- The Teaching Home Magazine. A Christian magazine contains articles geared toward
aiding you in your home instruction program, legal news, portions of state newsletters, and numerous
advertisements pertaining to curricula, books, correspondence schools, etc. The Teaching Home
Magazine, P.O. 20219, Portland, OR 97220-0219; (503) 253-9633; fax (503) 253-7345;
subscriptions/orders (800)395-7760.
- Homeschooling Today's philosophy is to provide practical and easy to use tools for
teaching. It features ready-to-use lessons, spanning preschool through high school. The center piece is an
art lesson including a full color art reproduction, a discussion of the artist and guidelines for appreciation.
Homeschooling Today, P.O. Box 1425, Melrose, FL 32666; (352) 475-3088; e-mail:
- Practical Homeschooling contains articles on a variety of home schooling methods and on
teaching every age group (through college). Also included are Mary�s reviews and ratings of home
education products. Home Life, P.O. Box 1250, Fenton, MO 63026-1085; (800) 346-6322;
fax (314) 343-7203; e-mail PRACTIC@aol.com . American Online keyword PHS
- Home Education Magazine is a well-rounded national magazine with scholarly yet
readable articles about parental rights, ideas on developing curriculum, learning and teaching helps, book
and product reviews, etc. Home Education Press, P.O. Box 1083, Tonasket, WA 98855; (800) 236-3278;
fax (509) 486-2628. E-mail: home_edu@televar.com. American Online keyword HEM. Web site:
- Home School Digest
provides practical help and encouragement, published quarterly.
Home School Digest, PO Box 374, Covert, MI 49043,
Sample articles: http://www.ebicom.net/~rileyafr./digest.htm.
- Growing without Schooling is a secular newsletter published by the organization started by
John Holt, 2269 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140; (617) 864-3100.
- Treasure Trove encouraged children to contribute poems, artwork, stories, jokes and
riddles, etc. It also contains a parents' page with questions and answers, and information about Hewitt
staff. Hewitt Research Foundation, P.O. Box 9, 2103 B Street, Washougal, WA 98671-0009;
(800) 348-1750.
- Kids at HOME, the magazine written by and for homeschoolers. PO Box 9148, Bend, OR
97708; phone/fax (541) 389-8549; e-mail: kidshome@transport.com.
- God's World Publications� products include a children�s current events newsletter similar to Weekly
Reader, a weekly news-from-a-Christian perspective magazine for teens and adults (call 1-800-951-KIDS
for a sample), and a children�s Book Club. God�s World Publications, Box 2330, Asheville, NC
28802-2330; (704) 253-3063.
- New Attitude includes news on events nationwide, profiles of homeschooled teens and a
question and answer forum. Students are encourage to submit comments, articles, etc. for publication.
P.O. Box 249, Gresham, OR 97030. Subscriptions, (800) 225-5259
- NATHHAN (NATional cHallenged Homeschoolers Associated Network) a non-denominational
Christian organization which has as its purpose to encourage homeschooling families with special needs
children. Membership includes the quarterly NATHHAN News, a family directory, lending library
privileges and support network access. NATHHAN, 5383 Alpine Rd. SE, Olalla, WA 98359;
(206) 857-4257; fax (206) 857-7764 e-mail: NATHANEWS@aol.com.
Instructional Resources
Educational Television and Radio (ETV)-After August 1 of
each school year, the Instructional TV and Radio Resources Guide is available home schoolers for $4.00.
It gives a scheduling guide and basic selection information for the current school year. WRITE:
Instructional Technology/ETV Center, PO Box 1100, Columbia, SC 29211 with a check payable to SC
ETV. Lesson guides to accompany individual programs are available for some of the programs at a
minimal charge. If you have additional questions after receiving your guide, call ITV Services at (803)
737-3340. Although many programs are currently offered in block feed, ie a series of lessons is played
back-to-back for ease in video recording, the state is converting to a satellite-based system, with a large
receiver dish at each public school. Open-circuit broadcasting will be phased out.
Testing and Evaluation Services-Bob Jones University Press [Greenville, SC 29614-0062;
(800) 845-5731] provides home educators with a variety of reliable and nationally recognized tests. Using
these tests, the Academic Skills Evaluation Program provides parents with information that will assist
them in teaching and guiding their children. Available tests include the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, the Test
of Achievement and Proficiency, the Learning Abilities Tests, the Metropolitan Diagnostic Tests for
Reading, for Math and for Language, and the College Admissions Practice Test.
Workshops-The South Carolina Home Educators Association sponsors an annual statewide
convention in the spring. Local support groups organize regional activities periodically.
H.E.L.P. (Home Education Leadership Program) is a week long seminar specifically geared toward
home educators held in June on the campus of Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC.
The amount of information available via on-line computing increases
hourly. The McKie Family Home Page, which can be reached via http://www.csranet.com, provides one
starting point for exploring the avenues of homeschooling information available through the
Internet/World Wide Web. Included is the SC/GA Home Schoolers On-Line Directory where families
across S.C. and northern Ga. can identify other on-line homeschoolers and communicate via e-mail (about
field trip opportunities, political issues, homeschool conferences, local events, etc.), and an online
homeschoolers Chat Room. A national/international site with a South Carolina forum leader is the
Homeschool Connection/Families� Homeschool Forum (America Online keyword HOMESCHOOL). It
includes Learning Resources, The Homeschool Academy, online homework help and direct links to the
forums for Home Education Magazine and Practical Homeschooling.
Ideas for Choosing Curriculum
revised from article by Cindy Shields
Mary Pride�s The Big Book of Home Learning (4 volumes) is probably one of the best
places to start. Particularly in volume I, she discusses why one home-schools and the various philosophies
of education. She also does a fairly comprehensive review of the major curricula available. A resource
with grade by grade recommendations is the 2-volume Home Educator�s Curriculum Manual, by
Cathy Duffy. Another way to decide which materials may work best for your children is to "pick
other homeschoolers brains" about what materials they have used, what they like about them, what
they disliked, etc. This was very helpful in our selection process.
The next step is deciding where to purchase a curriculum or materials.
- A Beka Book, Box 18000, Pensacola, FL 32523-61900. periodically conducts 20-minute
presentations about their Christian textbooks, parent support materials, correspondence school and video
home school around the state. If you are interested in such a presentation or in receiving an A Beka
catalog call (800) 874-3592.
- Bob Jones University Press, Greenville, SC 29614-0062 publishes Textbooks for
Christian Schools. To receive a free catalog, call (800) 845-5731. They also have a Christian
Educators Discount Market featuring slightly scuffed textbooks, workbooks and teachers� editions, video
rentals and a book review room. Located at 1430 Wade Hampton Blvd., Suite 209 in Greenville, SC, it is
open Mon.-Fri. from 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and Sat. from 8:30 a.m.-noon. You may check on book
availability by calling (803) 242-5100, ext. 3688.
- Two other curriculum publishers are Alpha-Omega Publications, P.O. Box 3153, Tempe,
AZ 85281; (800) 622-3070, and Rod and Staff Publishers, Hwy. 172, Crockett, KY 41413-0003, (606)
Many supplemental books and materials, as well as some curriculum can be purchased from the
- Budgetext, 1936 N. Shiloh Dr., Fayetteville, AK 72704; (800) 643-3432 or (888) 888-2272. Quality
used textbooks from most major publishers with a 30 day money back guarantee.
- Christian Book Distributors, Box 7000, Peabody, MA 01961-7000; (508) 977-5000. Web site:
http://www.chrbook.com. Free sample catalog. Christian books and Bibles at a discount.
- The Elijah Co., Rt. 2 Box 100B Crossville, TN 38555; (615) 456-6284; fax (615) 456-6384; e-mail:
elijahco@aol.com. Catalog of testing and college prep. materials as well as books and unit studies and
insightful commentary.
- Follett Educational Services, (800) 621-4274, ext. 203, provide homeschool curriculum resources at
up to 65% off publisher�s school prices.
- Greenleaf Press, 1570 Old LaGuardo Rd., Lebanon, TN 37087; (800) 311-1508; fax (615) 449-4018;
e-mail: GreenleafP@aol.com. History curriculum is "guaranteed 100% twaddle free!
- Homeschool Associates, 116 Third Ave., Auburn, ME 04210; (800) 882-2828. Used textbooks,
Christian and secular. A traveling Bookmobile ministry which buys and sells used materials.
- Homeschool Discount Warehouse/Great Christian Books, 229 S. Bridge St., Elkton, MD 21921 (800)
- Home Training Tools, 2827 Buffalo Horn Dr., Laurel, MT 59044 (800) 860-6272. Affordable
science tools fir small schools. Free catalog.
- Lifetime Books & Gifts, 3900 Chalet Suzanne Dr., Lake Wales, FL 33853; (941) 676-6311; fax
(941) 676-2732. Always Incomplete Catalog, Usborne Catalog.
- Timberdoodle, E 1510 Spencer Lake Rd., Shelton, WA 98584; (206) 426-0672. Fischertechnic,
Duplo, Lauri Puzzles, Bible software, art supplies, Cuisenaire Rods, foreign language tapes, etc. Free
Book fairs are a good place to see and review curriculum. Large fairs are part of the annual South
Carolina Home Educators Association Convention and Bob Jones University�s HELP Conference in June.
Many of those listed above, and more, send information and/or representatives to these book fairs. Local
support groups often sponsor regional events.
While no one wants to waste money, realize that sometimes you will buy something to use with your
children and will find that it disappoints you. Several suppliers will take returns within a certain time
period. If returns is not an option, you may be able to sell the item through a classified ad in a local
support group newsletter or at a regional book "sale and swap."
The Home Educators Plan Book
by Karen Martin
The major problem with most of the teacher�s plan books and organizers on the market is that no one
product has been made to fit your personal home educating needs. Another problem is the expense. (Mary
Pride reviews several in her Big Book of Home Learning and they run from $30.00 to $100.00.)
Let�s develop your own plan book according to your own needs and the needs of your home school. You
can probably have your own, everything-in-one-place, customized plan book for about $10.00 to
Your plan book should be in a constant state of refinement. As you find new ideas or develop them,
incorporate them into your book. Don�t keep anything that just isn�t working out. Here are a few ideas to
get you started:
- Use a 3" or larger 3-ring binder with side pockets. Be sure to get one that you like because
you�ll be seeing lots of it! You might also need one or more packages of 8-tab colored index dividers,
2-pocket divider pages (can double as section dividers) and a zippered pencil bag.
- You can make your own weekly assignment sheets, typing one up and photo-copying enough for the
semester or year. Some moms like to copy each student�s pages in different colored paper for easy
identification (if you keep separate daily assignment sheets for each student). Punch hole in the pages to
fit them into your binder. Possible lay-out for assignment sheets: Across the top will be spaces for the
dates that week. Below that put headings-SUBJECTS, MON., TUES., WEDS., etc. Then down the side,
list the subjects you are studying for that semester or year. (Rows may also be added for piano lessons,
meetings, field trips, etc.) Now, draw lines to form a grid, making sure each square has room for brief
notes of what is to be done for that subject that day.
- Suggestion: as assignments are completed, check off that box. You can tell at a glance what remains
to be done. Always write in pencil so that you can erase and adjust as necessary.
- You might put your book together in the following manner, labeling section dividers as you go. Be
sure to arrange it in the order that suits you most.
Section I
- Weekly Planning Sheets. You might want to rotate pages from the front of this section to the
back as they are used, or you can use paper clips to mark your place for easy reference.
- Blank Pages. A blank page after each weekly planning page can be for notes on progress,
areas of concern or a weekly overview.
- Used Planning Sheets, if you are rotating them.
- A Calendar for the current month to get an overview of activities, tests, field trips. You
might also put in this section a copy of the local public school calendar and a yearly calendar.
- Attendance Sheet. This is an important part of your home school
Section II
Sections for each general subject. This can include ideas for teaching, possible projects, copies
of instructions, test keys, etc. You can use pocket dividers or page protectors for anything you don�t want
to punch holes into. (Page protectors are available fairly inexpensively at an office supply
Section III
Support Group Information.
Section IV
Goals and Philosophy. Include your written philosophy or reason for home schooling. You can
also put your Scope and Sequence, curriculum list, and a copy of the state law. [Also, copies of your
HSLDA and SCAIHS applications if applicable.]
Section V
Books- a list of books your students have read and perhaps one of what they would like to get on
the next trip to the library.
Section VI
Clippings-from newspapers and magazines concerning public, private and home schooling, and
family issues. These should be in sheet protectors.
Section VII
Samples of Your Students Work-written work and art work. These should also be put into page
What is Your Philosophy of Education?
Have you developed a philosophy of education? Have you even considered
it? Just why are you educating those crumb-crunchers at home instead of packing them off every day to
public school, or even a private one? Writing down your philosophy of education will clarify your goals
and convince others of your sincerity. Now don�t tense up. Writing down what you already know but have
not committed to paper is not that hard. To help you get started, Candi Brittain has put together a list of
questions that will help you get it down on paper.
Guide to Writing Your Philosophy
- Read the following list of questions. Make a note of those you feel
are important to your family.
- If your philosophy is spiritually based, begin by studying scriptures related to education,
learning, teaching, etc. TAKE NOTES.
- Study related books and articles. TAKE NOTES. Use your notes to begin answering the
- Make a rough draft of your educational goals.
- Begin to rewrite. Simplify. Clarify. Condense. State everything in a positive form.
- Have one or two supportive people read it, looking for clarity and completeness of
thought. Continue to revise and rewrite until you are satisfied.
- Make a final draft. Correct spelling, grammar, punctuation.
- Type it or have it typed so that it looks professional. Have copies made, but never give out
your original.
- Revise yearly.
- Who, in your opinion, is ultimately responsible for the education of
your children?
- What are the possible consequences of delegating this responsibility?
- When does education begin? When should formal education begin?
- How does physical development affect the ability to learn?
- What allowances should be made for individual differences in learning?
- Which is more important, the education process or the product of education?
- What knowledge is necessary for your children?
- With what subject/aspects of life should education be concerned?
- Which is more important, exposure to many things or the mastery of a few?
- How much attention should be given to developing inherent abilities?
- What character qualities should be taught?
- What should be the role of Scripture in the curriculum?
- What should be the role of socialization in you children�s education?
- How do your children learn?
- Where should education take place?
- What methods should be used?
- What should be the role of incentives and rewards?
- What principles should guide the choice of books and other learning resources?
- What is the goal of discipline? What role should discipline play in the learning environment?
- What do the authorities you trust most say about these discipline methods?
- Does dress effect the ability to concentrate?
- How should success in education be measured?
- What should evaluate your children�s progress? How frequently should evaluation take place?
- What are your personal short/long term goals for your children�s education?
- What are the rules for your school?
- For what are you preparing your children?
Sample Philosophy
Example: Spiritual
``Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he
will not depart from it.�� Proverbs 22:6
Because God has placed the responsibility for teaching children with parents, we __________ and
__________, find it necessary to operate a school for our children in which the curriculum, the
environment, and we as teachers are in accordance with biblical principles.
We declare that our children should be taught how to live a full and complete life to the glory of God.
This education must take into consideration all of our children�s needs: spiritual, physical, social, and
academic. We recognize that training in all of these areas is crucial to the development of the total
The _________ School shall provide a quality education and shall develop in our children good study
habits, strong character, honesty, dependability, appreciation for physical labor, encouraging the
development of self-discipline and responsibility for the student, based on respect for and submission to
God and all other authority, and the ability and desire to continue the process of education.
Our aim is to help our children develop their personalities, based on a proper understanding and
acceptance of themselves as unique individuals, created in the image of God, and on the fullest possible
development of their own capabilities.
Example: Academic
We believe:
- Boys and girls differ in verbal, mechanical and reasoning skills; boys generally developing verbal
skills later than girls, and girls generally developing mechanical and reasoning skills later than
- Children differ in learning styles: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. The tutorial nature of
home teaching provides the maximum flexibility in providing each child with an optimum learning
environment suited to his individual needs.
- Pressure to perform at certain levels before a child�s readiness is attained, leads to
learning disabilities.
- A natural motivation occurs when a child learns alongside parents and witnesses their
- The most thorough application of knowledge is found in the classroom of
----- taken from The Learning Post (Lowcountry Christian Home Education Association), July,
Socialization and Support
Have you ever been asked the question, "What about
socialization?" Socialization can be defined as the ability to relate to other people in a confident
manner and cooperate within a group. Dr. Raymond Moore has stated, "To be truly sociable means
to have a concern for others, to know how to practice the golden rule and be willing to serve."
One of our goals as parents should be to develop positive social skills. This can best be done by our
own example to our children as proper role models who can demonstrate positive, constructive, kind
behavior. For a more in-depth treatment of this subject, read Better Late than Early, by
Raymond and Dorothy Moore. Opportunities for social interactions with others are plentiful. Here are a
few suggestions.
- Hospitality-open your home to others as a way to teach your children graciousness and
- Church-Sunday School, mid-week children�s clubs, Vacation Bible School and other fellowship
- Home School Support Groups-most meet on a regular basis for field trips, learning activities, and to
provide a social outlet for both parents and children.
- Family Business-your children can learn how to relate to people associated with the business and also
develop self-esteem and confidence as they see their very real contributions toward your family
- Service activities-you can make time once or twice a week to visit a nursing home, the children�s
ward at the hospital, or some other place where people enjoy having visitors. This is a great way for your
children to learn how to reach out to others. Look in the Yellow Pages under Social Service
- YMCA/YWCA-Check with your local Y for costs and schedules for learning activities and team
- A number of organizations, such as 4-H, have children�s club activities. Check the phone book for
groups listed in your area or try the information service at your public library.
- Other places offering classes and activities include universities, colleges, museums, zoos and state
(S. C. Parks, Recreation & Tourism, 1205 Pendleton St., Columbia, 29201;
phone (803) 734-0122).
Starting a local home school support group takes little more than a phone call or personal contact to
get the ball rolling. Get families together for a planning meeting and discuss:
- WHEN is a good day and time for the majority of the group to meet? A consistent day and time are
best. How many things will be planned per month, and how many times during the school year? Will you
continue to meet during the summer?
- WHERE would you like to meet? Small groups can meet in homes. Larger groups may need to meet
at a park or church. Many large groups subdivide according to geographic area or number of children to
be able to fellowship, to encourage and to conduct field trips more effectively.
- WHAT are the needs and expectations of each member? The group can do a variety of things: field
trips, workshops, curriculum fairs, picnics, social interaction, encouragement, activities involving spouses,
etc. What guidelines will you have for the support group? Will you be strictly an educational group with
the common commitment to home schooling or will you have an additional requirement of adhering to a
particular religious belief?
- HOW will the children be involved? Will you want them to do presentations or projects at the
meeting? If the moms meet during the day, will you need paid supervision, alternating member
supervision, or will they play or work independently? Your group may decide to meet for certain activities
when the children can be at home with their fathers.
- WHO will be the facilitator and coordinator for the support group? This may include moderating
meetings and pooling the resources of the group. The coordinator or contact person is not the do-it-all
person. Ever member should take some responsibility for helping the group to function. As the group
grows, these can include phone tree captain, newsletter editor, secretary/treasurer, field trip coordinator,
special activities planner, etc. Commitments should be made clear from the outset. Financial
responsibilities should also be discussed. Most groups will want to have a newsletter or some form of
written communication occasionally. Special events may require funding, such as awards for field days or
presentations, paper goods for picnics, baby-sitters, or meeting facility's rental. You may also want to
participate in the statewide support group network. It is wise to plan for each family to share in the
South Carolina Home Educators Association
The South Carolina Home Educators Association is the
statewide facilitating organization for parents who have chosen to home educate in South Carolina. It
seeks to provide information, support and training to the home education community throughout the state.
Governed by an elected Board (which meets the second Saturday of January, April, July and October in
Columbia), SCHEA is incorporated as a non-profit organization and is recognized for tax-deductible
giving by the federal government. It utilizes a statewide network of individual member families and
autonomous local support groups.
SCHEA's goals are to foster an accurate and favorable image of home education to the general public,
to cooperate with other home education organizations in pursuing common goals, and to monitor
legislative activities.
What SCHEA offers:
- the bimonthly SCHEA's Ideas newsletter which informs families of upcoming
homeschooling events, keeps them up-to-date on pertinent information concerning South Carolina�s home
educators, legislative news, etc.;
- help to those needing information on the home schooling laws, locating curriculum, finding a
support group and generally getting started;
- discounted admission to the annual statewide convention and curriculum fair;
- the option of discounted membership in Home School Legal Defense Association and group
participation in services such as Sam�s Wholesale Clubs;
- the Home Schooling Handbook for South Carolina, designed to provide answers and
resources for home educators in our state at a nominal cost;
- promotion of local support groups throughout the state. Support groups are fountains of information
and encouragement. SCHEA publishes a directory of its member support groups each fall and works to
strengthen the networking of home school support groups throughout the state.
- a legislative fax line (803-345-6167) for the timely exchange of information and state-wide
What membership provides:
- a specific constituency for SCHEA, important in dealing with the State Legislature and other
agencies. It is also a way for you, the home educator, to stand alongside SCHEA in its work;
- the funds to make copies, pay postage, provide phone/fax service, etc. used in responding to those
who inquire about home schooling in South Carolina;
- help with the "up-front" costs of holding an annual convention and local educational
Membership is available to all who support the purposes of the organization and have paid dues.
Families may join any time during the membership year that begins October 1 and ends September 30. A
group discounted rate is available to those joining as part of a local SCHEA member support group. These
groups set their own local membership requirements. Six-month memberships are also available.
For additional information and/or a membership application, write SCHEA,
PO Box 1062, Lexington, SC 29071-1062,
or phone/fax (803) 754-6425 and leave a message. E-mail to
SCHEA1@aol.com. An online Home Page is located at
Local Support Groups Statewide
Aiken Area Home Educators
Lynn Pridgen, 901 Hayne Ave., Aiken 29801-3727; 803 648-6081
Anderson Home School Association
Mike & Patti Newton, 106 Jacobs Rd., Anderson 29625-6139; 864 287-9088
Barnwell Area Christian Home Educators
Robin Griffin, Rt. 2 Box 107X, Blackville, 29817-9519; 803 259-1754
Black River Christian Home-Schoolers
Eileen Bannister, Rt. 4 Box 109, Andrews, 29510-9060; 803 387-5711
Carolina SuperSchoolers
Merike Tamm, 777 Hillview St., Spartanburg, 29302; phone/fax 864 583-4018
Catholic Home Educators of S.C. (CHESC)
Mary E. Jackson, 1570 Huntsman Dr., Aiken, 29803-5236; 803 649-6367;
fax 803 642-9339
Central Savannah River Areas Home Ed. Assoc.
Debbie Kilgore, 1832 Hollis Ave., North Augusta, 29841-2207; 803 279-8186
Christian Home Educators of Camden
Carol Wilkins, 603 Holland Ln., Camden, 29020-8316; 803 432-8196
Ava Miller, P.O. Box 366 Ladson, 29456; phone/fax 803 873-5942
Christian Home Educators of Cherokee County
Susan Moore, 113 Calton Dr., Gaffney, 29341; 864 487-5947
Christian Home Educators of Laurens County
Chris & Cindy Clack, 175 Highland Ct., Gray Court, 29645-9261; 864 867-3727
Coastal Christian Home Educators Association
Annette Keller, 6506A Bryant St., Myrtle Beach, 29572-3501; 803 499-5781
Cooperative of Domestic Educators (CODE))
Vicki Germann, Box 3122, Columbia, 29230-3122; 803 735-0222
Easley Home Educators
Gregg & Gale Farrier, 310 Green Tree Dr., Liberty, 29657-9590; 864 843-1034; fax 864
East Columbia Home Educators
Lisa Kent, 6015 Cedar Ridge Rd., Columbia, 29206-4301, 803 738-1464
Families Allied in Teaching at Home (FAITH)
Gwen Bozeman, 105 Enoree Circle, Greer, 29650-2629; 864 292-5038; fax 864 233-0423
Georgetown Area Home Educators
Jan Smith, 616 Cherokee Dr., Georgetown, 29446; phone/fax 803 546-3457
GRACE at Home
Steve & Jill Leinbach, 525 Grace St., Greenwood, 29646-3132; 864 229-6572;
fax 864-9494
Home Education Links for Parent Support (HELPS)
Donna Edwards, 53 Cobblestone Rd., Greenville, 29615; 864 297-473
Home Educators Assoc. at Restoration (HEAR)
Connie Bailey, 22 Woodwind Dr., Spartanburg, 29302-4519; 803 582-8738;
fax 864 583-3440
Home Educators of Richland/Lexington District 5 (HERALD 5)
Cindy Harvell, 712 Indian Fork Rd., Chapin, 29036-9212; 803 732-2839
Home Organized Parent Educators (HOPE)
Lynn Griesemer, 1697 Dotterer's Run, Charleston, 29414; 803 763-7833
Home School Association of the Lowcountry
Tammie Nix, P.O. Box 23891, Hilton Head Island, 29925-3891; 803 681-6091;
fax 803 363-2500
Lancaster Area Homeschoolers
Carolyn Petroski, 2076 Mt. Laurel Rd., Lancaster, 29720; 803 286-6410
Lighthouse Home Educators
Cyndi Chestnut, 612 Wagon Wheel Rd., Myrtle Beach, 29572-6619; 803 449-5073
Lowcountry Christian Home Educators Association (LCHEA)
Sandra Reeder; 843-553-7661;
Newberry County
Glenn & Jeanne Uzar, 911 Glenn Street, Newberry, 29108;803 276-2377
North Midlands Family Educators
Becky Ansley, 1632 Loner Rd., Blythewood, 29016-9050; 803 786-0436
Northeast Educators Division (NEED)
Jackie Hardgrove, 545 Great North Rd., Columbia, 29223-5154; 803 736-2396
Orangeburg Christian Home Educators Assn.
Donna Kessell, 656 Alexander, Orangeburg, 29115-2202; 803 535-7381
PeeDee Christian Home Educators Association
Susan Peeler, PO Box 3861, Florence, 29501-3861; phone/fax 803 662-4787
Piedmont Home Educators Association (PHEA)
South Strand Home Educators
Donna Dutton, 102 Teal Ct., Myrtle Beach, 29575-6504; 803 650-1838
Spartanburg Parent Association of Christian Educators (SPACE)
Jeff Mitchell, 95 Laurel Ln., Campobello, 29322; 472-4596
Sumter Area Family Educators (SAFE)
Lynn & Diane Setzer, 90 Hope Court, Sumter, 29154-5386; 803 481-5987
Tri-County Home Educators Association
David & Heidi Makinson, 104 Pinewood Dr, Seneca 29678; 864 882-2956
West Columbia/Lexington Area Home Educators
Leslie Rizzuti, 119 Maple Shade Lane, Lexington, 29073-7425; 803 957-8487
York Educators at Home (YEAH)
Dell Germeroth, 2948 Brookridge Dr., Rock Hill, 29732-9470; 803 366-5217
Ed. Notes: |
This list was prepared in December, 1996. New support groups are forming
regularly and leadership changes periodically. If you have a group not included or need to change your
information, please contact SCHEA. |