Jon's Homeschool ResourcesOregon
Over the years, many people have contributed to these listings.
The seeds of the collection came from
Ruthann Biel,
Growing Without Schooling,
Home Education Press.
An inclusive homeschooling support group. Private
email newsletter, $5/year.
Provides support to all homeschool families. Not concerned with
personal beliefs, age, nationality, or curriculum choices. Believes that
everyone has the right to believe whatever they choose, as long as it
does not inhibit the rights of others.
LIGHT - Lane Inter-Christian Guild of Home Teachers
An email support group for the mid-Willamette Valley. Exchange information about
events and activities, classes, workshops, performances, library programs, ideas and resources that
are of interest to local homeschoolers.
New Hope Homeschool Group
An inclusive group which meets regularly to share ideas and plan activities.
"distinctly and forthrightly Christian in content and character.
[S]erving home educators in Oregon for over 13 years [by] working to
protect home education freedoms and link home educators to local
Christian support groups."
OHEN is an inclusive, statewide, nonprofit organization dedicated to the
support of all of Oregon's homeschooling families. OHEN provides homeschoolers
with information about local, state, and national homeschooling activities and
resources, as well as opportunities to network with other homeschoolers.
A publicly-funded, private alternative education program that
offers classes and field trips to homeschool students in the Portland area.
For Woodburn area homeschooling families seeking to connect with similar families.
Predominately Christian group, but open to "all faiths". Seeks the exchange
of teaching materials and services, special needs help, and
contact information. Has occasional get togethers, and would like to set up
various classes.
A statewide, inclusive, support and information list.
A Woodburn-area "e-mail loop" - a way to share anything of interest (like events and
activities) to local homeschoolers. To subscribe, send e-mail to
with the words "Subscribe MCH" in the subject line.