Jon's Homeschool ResourcesNew Zealand
Over the years, many people have contributed to these listings.
The seeds of the collection came from
Ruthann Biel,
Growing Without Schooling,
Home Education Press.
Support and information for homeschooling families in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Support for home schooling families in the greater Wellington area.
Newsletter, resource library, resource directory, outings, meetings, workshops,
seminars and other activities which provide social, intellectual, and emotional support to our members.
Buy and sell used homeschool curriculum.
Share ideas, advice, encouragement and support while
making new friendships. For both new, experienced, and "interested" homeschoolers,
regardless of method or motivation.
A dynamic community group for home educated youth age
13-16 yrs. Discuss music or politics or publish your own work. Based in
New Zealand, but we'd love to hear from our Aussie cousins.
For both those who are unschooling in New Zealand and those
thinking of / interested in unschooling in New Zealand.
A low-volume list for "information about activities and events
of an educational nature, that may be relevant to homeschoolers and are taking
place in the Waikato region of New Zealand or within a few hours drive.
Another Christian production from Craig & Barbara Smith
This home education / home schooling / homeschooling site for NZ (New Zealand) /
Kiwis has information about home education or home schooling in NZ; legal and
other info, Internet and other resources, NZ home educating families, support groups.
"Information relevant to New Zealand Homeschooling."