Jon's Homeschool ResourcesNevada
Over the years, many people have contributed to these listings.
The seeds of the collection came from
Ruthann Biel,
Growing Without Schooling,
Home Education Press.
CHOSEN - Christian Homeschoolers Of SouthErn Nevada
"The largest support group in the state", offers legal updates;
new homeschooler's consulting; educational resources; Mom's, Dad's, and Youth
ministries; monthly field trips, newsletters, and general meetings; cooperative
classes; plays; talent shows; and more.
PO Box 94833
Las Vegas, NV 89193-4833 702-391-8625 Las Vegas area, Christian-led co-op. All members participate
cooperatively acording to their interests and abilities.
An inclusive support group in Las Vegas.
Home Schools United
Vegas Valley
PO Box 26811 Las Vegas, NV 89126 702-870-9566 Statewide inclusive networking group. Support group contacts,
legislative watches, new homeschooler's information &c.
NNHS - Northern Nevada Home Schools
Newsletter, activities, fieldtrips, curriculum fair, workshops and speakers
Parent Activists Committed to Education
PO Box 13587
Las Vegas, NV 89112 702-457-1509 A Christian group in Clark County (the Vegas valley).
A Christian group "that is all about having fun and making connections for you and your family."