Jon's Homeschool ResourcesMichigan
Over the years, many people have contributed to these listings.
The seeds of the collection came from
Ruthann Biel,
Growing Without Schooling,
Home Education Press.
Ann Arbor Unschoolers Network
A non-religious group for unschoolers and homeschoolers in the Ann Arbor Area.
Metro Detroit area homeschooling support group for
parents who practice Attachment Parenting.
Bay City Homeschooling Support Group
Benzie Home Educators
PO Box 208
Benzonia, Michigan 49616 CHURCH - Celebrating Home Under Rome - Catholic Homeschoolers
A very active support group with approximately 60 families in the
Lansing, Michigan area. Monthly newsletter and many family
activites and clubs.
Rachel Mackson (517) 349-6389,
Maureen Wittmann <RWittLans@aol.com> CCHE - Christ-Centered Home Educators Branch County area. Cooperative classes (Fridays, 1-3pm during the school year),
field trips, community service, a 1200+ book lending library, Iowa testing each April,
Mom's Nite Out every month, conferences, Science and Geography Fairs. Mary Beth Schelinski 517-238-9498 or
Ginny Shelton 517-279-2261 CHEM - Christian Home Educators of Michigan
Not a support group, but a group of
support groups that plans conferences, science fairs, business and
career seminars, creation science seminars.
P.O. Box 2357 Farmington Hills, Michigan 48333 St. Clair County - meets in Port Huron. Monthly meetings,
monthly newsletter, activities/fieldtrips, co-op classes, and cheesy MIDI music on the website.
Monthly meetings, newsletter, field trips, band, choir, spelling bee, science fair,
talent show, end of the year celebration, Scholastic and God's World books, networking.
Lansing area. Support, resources, activities, and other
services which will nurture Christ-like character.
FLASH - Families Learning and Schooling at Home
21671 B Drive N
Marshall, Michigan 45068 616-781-1069 Heritage Home Educators
An inclusive support network of homeschool families
Hillsdale Area Homeschoolers
5151 Barker Rd.
Jacksonville, Michigan 49250 (517) 287-5565 Home Educators' Circle
1280 S John Hix
Westland, Michigan 48186 313-326-5406 Christian support group and newsletter for home schooling families
and those who wish to supplement their non home schooling child's education.
Field trips, play dates and fellowship.
Connects home schoolers in West Michigan with the information,
support, activities, and events that will help them reach their home education goals.
Homeschooling support for Washtenaw County.
Lake Orion Christian Homeschoolers
Group activities & classes; monthly field trips
Jessica <freedom@provide.net>
Learning Tree Resource Center
Box 80-B
S Superior Rd RR 1 Atlantic Mine, Michigan 49905 906-482-6393 For Christian parents and children (in Warren and surrounding areas)
to socialize, commiserate and collaborate for and about homeschooling.
Manchester Homeschool Club
MCH - Michigan Catholic Home-Educators
Presents an annual Catholic homeschooling conference, publishes a
quarterly newsletter "Opus Gloria," and provides a discount for HSDLA. Annual
dues are $15.
PO Box 534
Dearborn Heights, Michigan 48127 An inclusive South Bend, IN group for all home schooling families of northwestern
Indiana and southwestern Michigan. Offers support to anyone regardless of
religion, race, or educational method; stresses diversity and
open-mindedness; fosters creative and intellectual discussion; and is based on a
common love and interest in what is best for our unique children. Offers social,
academic, general homeschooling support, and a mailing list.
An inclusive support group in the Flint area. Field trips
and educational activities for children and information and encouragement to parents.
Older Homeschoolers' Group
Serves homeschoolers 12-17 years.
SE Michigan; Northern Ohio; Windsor, Ontario.
9120 Dwight Drive
Detroit, Michigan 48214 313-331-8406 PRAISE - Parents Reaching Academically in Special Education
Port Huron Area Homeschoolers
An inclusive group that meets once a month (third Monday, at 1pm)
at the county library in Port Huron, has one monthly
activity and one night out a month for parents.
Melissa Leaym-Fernandez <artathom@iwarp.net>
An inclusive homeschool support group that meets at the Auburn Hills Public Library.
Sault Home Education Association
Battle Creek area. Christian group offering sports,
choir, band, classes, and support.
Southwest Michigan Homeschool Alliance
Inclusive; 4-H; online newsletter.
Sunnyridge Alternative Learning Center
HCO 1 Box 134
Pelkie, Michigan, 49958 Thumb Area Christian Homeschoolers
Serving Huron, Tuscola and Sanilac Counties since 1986;
currently has ca 40 families. Monthly newsletter during academic year (8 issues
per year); $10 for 2003-04.
Newsletter writer and editor:
Karen Cox <heritage@avci.net> 4404 Hillside Dr. Cass City, Michigan 48726 989-872-1256 True Life Centers
Christian. Monroe County and neighbors. Lots of field trips,
a teen group, Mom's Night Out, HSLDA discount, tennis lessons &c.
Pat Turner, 734-241-7731
Metro Detroit - particularly Oakland and Macomb area.
"This is a mailing list for people who homeschool or are thinking of
homeschooling in the state of Michigan. Kids and Parents alike!"
"Friendly, inclusive, message board for homeschoolers in Michigan."
A page of support groups, by county
A complementary page of multi-county support groups.