Jon's Homeschool ResourcesLDS
An online support group for in Reno, Nevada
and surrounding areas, open to all LDS homeschooling families and other
homeschoolers who are open to Latter-day Saint beliefs and will uphold LDS standards of living.
"All homeschoolers are welcome. The purpose of this list is to provide a nonconfrontational, supportive
environment in which LDS homeschoolers can discuss their interests,
questions, and experiences."
(Visit groups.yahoo.com/list/ldslearn
to subscribe; for more information, please contact bells@rmci.net.)
SaintsandScholars is a list for LDS and other Christian parents who homeschool
their academically advanced children. The list is specifically geared toward
academic homeschooling, and is based on the Christian world-view of
accountability, exactness, and honor.
"Connecting LDS Homeschoolers Worldwide."
A discussion board for LDS homeschoolers.
I have a general "no vendors" policy that means I don't list curriculum
vendors. For historical reasons, this page has been an exception to that rule -
I may reconsider this at some point, as there are plenty of online LDS resources at
this point.
Iron Rod Curriculum
A unit based curriculum, centered around LDS
scripture and incorporating the use of Family Home Evening Lessons and
the Scouting Program
L&S Enterprises, Inc.
76833 Atkins Road Rainier, Oregon 97048 503-728-2212 "A home-based bookstore catering to
homeschoolers, especially LDS homeschoolers. They have collected some
excellent resources."
LDS-HEA [Latter-day Saint Home Education Association]
Provides newsletter, has a small bookstore, and advice grounded in years
of experience. Newsletter is $8.00/year
Joyce Kinmont
2770 South 1000 West Perry, UT 94302 The Education Connection
This is an LDS homeschooling family. They service the broader
homeschooling market, but also carry specifically LDS items.
PO Box 1417
Tehachapi, CA 93581 805-823-8022