Jon's Homeschool ResourcesJapan
Over the years, many people have contributed to these listings.
The seeds of the collection came from
Ruthann Biel,
Growing Without Schooling,
Home Education Press.
A non-sectarian group for homeschoolers at Misawa Air Base, Japan.
Okinawa Homeschoolers Support Group
A homeschooling support group in Okinawa, Japan. Membership is open
to homeschool families of all religious and educational beliefs.
PSC 480 Box 123
FPO AP 96370-0123 FAX: 011-81-6117-46-3748 Shinshu Area Homeschoolers
A Japanese and English-speaking homeschooling group,
located in the Shinshu area (Nagano Prefecture).
David Carlson <DaveInNagano@hotmail.com>
3-3-11-401 Asama Onsen Matsumoto 390-0303 Japan Phone (0263) 51-2013, fax (0263) 51-2049
An outstanding if rather overwhelming site - lots of links, not quite enough organization.