Jon's Homeschool ResourcesArkansas
Over the years, many people have contributed to these listings.
The seeds of the collection came from
Ruthann Biel,
Growing Without Schooling,
Home Education Press.
Fort Smith area. "To advance the interests of
Christian home educators by all lawful means."
For Christian parents raising "godly, well trained children."
Student activities, social interaction, and corporate educational opportunities; legal and political info;
and regular meetings for mothers.
Little Rock area.
Christian group with a Statement of Faith for the "greater
Fort Smith, Arkansas area, including parts of eastern Oklahoma."
An inclusive support group for Central Arkansas homeschoolers.
Meets at least once a week for various activities; all homeschoolers are welcome,
regardless of race, religion, gender or educational philosophy.
NACHO - North Arkansas Christian Homeschool Organization
A Christian list with a Statement Of Faith - "Members sharing
any other points of view have the right to delete email they deem inappropriate."
An inclusive list for, but not limited to, home school families
in Arkansas.
Primarily for homeschoolers in Northwest Arkansas, but open to
everyone. For sharing of teaching ideas, tips, problems, accomplishments, etc.
From the Arkansas Family Council - "Promoting,
protecting and strengthening traditional family values in Arkansas."